A new president for the FSU Faculty Senate is being elected in April. The current president, Dr. Eric Chicken, began his position in 2020. His farewell message in the Office of Faculty Development and Advancement newsletter can be read here: https://fda.fsu.edu/newsletter/2023/issue-20
He says to look out for a survey coming in early April that gives faculty members to opportunity to volunteer to serve on a Faculty Senate committee.
To learn more about Dr. Chicken, who has been working at FSU in the Statistics Department since 2002, visit
Here is the list of nominees for Faculty Senators, which will also be elected in April:
The Faculty Senate will be meeting throughout the semester and all faculty are welcome to join. The remaining meetings this semester are on Wednesdays, March 22nd and April 19th at 3:05 over Zoom. For more information regarding the Faculty Senate including bios of the nominees visit: https://facsenate.fsu.edu/